
I’ve written, published, and presented numerous papers in the field of chemical engineering. 

with Michael May, Thomas Potts, Brigitte Rodgers, Jamie Hestekin, Peter I. May, John McLaughlin, Robert R. Beitle, and Christa Hestekin

Abstract: Algae harvested from a pilot water quality improvement technology at the Rockaway Wastewater Treatment Facility in New York were examined as a source of carbohydrates and lipids for the production of biofuels. Dried stocks of algae harvested during a 6-month period were used to feed the bioreactors, and the process to extract sugar from the natural wastewater grown algae was optimized. The length of storage time, storage conditions, sugar extraction process, and fuel production were studied. The results show that if the algae is stored dry (<25% moisture) the algae stock can be used for up to a year with good conversion of carbohydrates to sugars using a 10% w/v of dried algae. These optimized conditions extracted the maximum amount of sugar, which yielded an average of 0.11 (g butanol/g sugar) from the bioreactors year-round from a wide range of diatoms and other microalgae used to treat wastewater. Similarly, lipids could be obtained from the stored algal with value of >0.015 g/g algae even after a year in storage. These results demonstrate the potential for year round production of fuel from algae harvested as part of a water reclamation process. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 32: 1013–1022, 2013

  • Effect of Storage Conditions On Extraction of Algal Carbohydrates and Oils for Biofuel Production

with Christa N. Hestekin, Tom Potts, Robert R. Beitle and Jamie A. Hestekin
Presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of AIChE

  • Algal Genotyping in an Open System and a Bioreactor

with Christa N. Hestekin
Presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of AIChE

  • Effect of Growing Conditions On Algal Carbohydrate to Butanol Production

with Christa N. Hestekin
Presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of AIChE

  • Algal Genotyping for Biofuel Production

with Christa N. Hestekin
Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of AIChE

  • Monitoring Algae Species in Bio-Fuel Production by CE-SSCP

with Lauren Woods, Robert Beitle, Jamie Hestekin, and Christa Hestekin
Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of AIChE

  • Detection of Rare Variants of Type 2 Diabetes by CE-SSCP

with Hannah Lintag and Christa Hestekin
Presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Society (AES)

  • Monitoring Bioremediation Using Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism and Capillary Electrophoresis

with Duane C. Wolf, Greg Thoma, and Christa Hestekin
Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of AIChE

with Duane C. Wolf, Greg Thoma, and Christa Hestekin
Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of AIChE

with Greg Thoma, Duane C. Wolf and Christa N. Hestekin
Presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of AIChE